Photography Reviews

Beach wedding photography

Beach Wedding Photography

The beach can be a beautiful backdrop for your wedding ceremony. It can also be an exquisite location for your wedding photos. Here are a number of tips to ensure that your beach wedding photography reflects the special day in an appropriate and unique way.

Look for points of interest on the beach. It might be a beach hut or boat with chipped paint or a charming run-down jetty, which will provide a backdrop for photos of the couple as well as a contrast in texture. Interesting things on the sand like coloured seashells, coral and starfish can be lovely coupled in a shot with the bride and groom’s feet. For a full length shot that captures the couple and the sand, have the bride and groom walk a short distance and then capture their footprints in the sand at the bottom of the shot.

Beach Wedding

For a fun shot filled with action, have the wedding party enter into the water until ankle deep. Depending on their attire, ask them to spray water on each other for a delightful action shot of everybody splashing in the ocean in a harmless water fight. For a fun, romantic photo have the couple draw a love heart in the sand and then pose inside the heart.

The feel of the beach can vary dramatically in photographs depending on the time of day and the light. Time your beach wedding photography shoot so that the feel of the photographs suits the wishes of the bride and groom. This may mean returning to the beach in the evening after a daytime ceremony to capture the sunset or get a better range of tones in the shots. The light will be golden and warm at this time, giving pictures a more romantic effect than the midday sun.

Beach Wedding Couples

The sea makes a beautiful backdrop for beach wedding photography, especially if there are crashing waves and jagged rocks to form a dramatic setting. If you are on a calm beach, use palm trees as a feature to compliment the still clear sea.

Make sure the horizon line is straight and not positioned in the middle of the photo, as this will cut the photo in half. For a nice twist, turn the camera when you take the photo of your subjects so that the horizon line is on an angle. Just make sure it is on enough of an angle to look deliberately quirky, not accidental.